Workshoop – Citizens in the fight for a healthier environment


FORCA has organised the workshop focusing on the topic “Citizens in the fight for a healthier environment” on 05. in August.

Local people were introduced to toolkits and videos that can remind them at any time of the basic things related to creating a digital campaign. In addition to the tools, the participants could get acquainted with the stories of activists from other cities who are fighting in the field of environmental protection and climate change.

The first part of the workshop aimed to guide young people in how to run a digital campaign and what are the steps in creating it. The participants were interested in this topic, as we can see from the numerous questions and suggestions they sent to us after the workshop. The participants were presented with the work of YEE as well as the very importance of sharing information.

In the Second Part, activists Predrag Voštinić and Brajan Brković talked about their experiences in the struggle and the ways in which they overcame the difficulties they might encounter.

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